Codesa/Boléro de Bruxelles (Bal Moderne)
Boléro de Bruxelles


Codesa and Boléro de Bruxelles are based on the Bal Moderne project: two short choreographies (+/- 3 minutes each) — created especially for people with little to no dance experience — are each taught to an audience in only 45 minutes. The atmosphere is a combination of concentration and fun. Not the seriousness and discipline of a dance class, but not the trendy vanity of a disco either. People of all ages, levels and backgrounds dance together, in an atmosphere of solidarity, brought together by and for the sheer joy of dancing.

Dating backt to 1928, Boléro was originally commissioned by the famous Russian dancer, actress and patron Ida Lvovna Rubinstein from Maurice Ravel. Based on a traditional Spanish dance, the first performance, choreographed by Rubinstein, caused a sensation. Since its creation, the composition has inspired many versions, including Maurice Béjart's 1960 version for the Yugoslav ballerina Duška Sifnios. Béjart founded the Mudra dance school in Brussels in 1977, from which several choreographers and dancers have emerged, including Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker (and Michèle Anne de Mey, Michèle Noiret, Pierre Droulers, Nicole Mossoux, Claudio Bernardo, Karine Ponties....). He also founded Mudra Afrique in Dakar in 1977. These historical links, as well as the danceable nature of the work, convinced Brussels-based Brazilian choreographer Maria-Clara Villa Lobos to create the Boléro de Bruxelles based on Angélique Kidjo's revisited version, whose lyrics clearly resonate with Article 2 of the Treaty on European Union. Based on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, the lively rhythms, swaying character and nods to different dance styles, from flamenco to Belgian contemporary dance, make this unique version a truculent but faithful tribute to Belgium's singular position both in the international sphere of dance and within the European Union.


Codesa (warm up) - George Mxolisi Khumalo.
This dance has its roots in of Soweto, South Africa. The beat is constant but relaxed and creates a sense of fun and energy that encourages everyone to move together.
Music KZee - Dlala Mapantsula 4.30 min

Boléro de Bruxelles - Maria-Clara Villa Lobos in collaboration with Hippolyte Bohouo
Music Angelique Kidjo - Lonlon (Ravel's Bolero) 5.51 Mins

europalia art2gether BE24EU

Boléro de Bruxelles (Bal Moderne)
La Bourse
31/5/2024 - 16:30:00 - 18:00:00
Place de la Bourse, 1000 Brussels
New creation