Maisie Woodford
— Mud Mother
© Smila Zinecker
europalia georgia

In Mud Mother, young choreographer Maisie Woodford combines puppetry and dance, and
reflects on the complexities and choices surrounding motherhood. For this solo performance, Maisie Woodford collaborates closely with Smila Zinecker, a costume and puppet maker, with electronic music producer Tamo Nasidze and with Raphael Malfliet. The piece also drew inspiration from the Gabriadze Puppet Theatre Company in Tbilisi, where Woodford and Zinecker completed a residency.


Concept Maisie Woodford, Smila Zinecker, Leo Gabriadze

Direction, choreography, performance Maisie Woodford

Scenography, puppet, costume Smila Zinecker

Music Tamo Nasidze, Raphael Malfliet

Commission and production europalia georgia

Residencies workspacebrussels, Théâtre Les Tanneurs, Rezo Gabriadze Theatre, Bachelor Dans Koninklijk Conservatorium - AP hogeschool Antwerpen

Théâtre les Tanneurs + Monty

Maisie Woodford - Mud Mother
Théâtre Les Tanneurs
18/10/2023 - 18:15:00
19/10/2023 - 19:15:00
Rue des Tanneurs 75 - 1000 Brussels
Maisie Woodford - Mud Mother
2/12/2023 - 15:00:00
2/12/2023 - 19:00:00
Montignystraat 3 - 2018 Antwerp
New creation