Ann Eysermans
— For Trainspotters Only
© Philippe Cortens


The concert starts with a fugue for 4 diesel locomotives. Subject, counter-subject, divertimenti, dominant and tonic pedals are heard from four loudspeakers installed in the four corners of the auditorium. This four-part counterpoint, full of whispering, snorting and thunderous locomotive sounds, forms the sequel to prelude for two diesel locomotives and harp, which will be performed live (with a delay) in the SNCB Central Workshop in Mechelen (La Flèche et l'Eléphant).

“We leave Brussels North from platform 10 and respect the speed limit for leaving a station of origin. For even-numbered tracks, departure signs are located on your right. All the points and signals allow us to reach lines 50, 27, 161, 36 and 27D on the left. On the right, we have access to line 25.”

We are in 1975. We are heading directly towards Antwerp Central from Brussels North. During this train journey (recorded from the driver’s seat), the listener is introduced to the characteristics of line 25, explained by an instructor from the SNCB/NMBS. The magnificent images blend with the mechanical sounds of the locomotives and the experimental playing of the harp.

“The film is now coming to an end. While rewinding, you can pause at places of interest and then restart until all these places are lodged in your memory. Continue using this film until the places are completely familiar to you. Only then will the study routes be useful. Stop the film and rewind it.”


Concept, composition and execution (harp and tapes): Ann Eysermans
Production and co-production: EUROPALIA and ChampdAction in collaboration with BOZAR, NMBS, Cortizona, Cinematek
Vinyl release: 25 januari 2022, BOZAR (Cortizona in collaboration with ChampdAction and EUROPALIA)


A prelude for 2 diesel locomotives and harp. This line-up may at first seem incompatible and strange to you. But opposites attract. Two train drivers conjure up the impressive and nostalgic sounds of the HLD 5404 and HLD 6041. The sounds of locomotives idling, and those of compressors and air escaping as well as the roaring transition to a higher speed are all part of their sonic potential. The harp interacts with fragile micro sounds, solid chords and circular movements to create a remarkable counterpoint and melodious interweaving of sound.


Concept, composition, execution (harp): Ann Eysermans
Execution (diesellocomotives): Tim Haesevoets and Rudi Langeraert (NMBS)
Audio engineering: Lars Morren, Serge Verstockt and Istvan Leel-Össy
Production and co-production: EUROPALIA in collaboration with ChampdAction, NMBS

Ann Eysermans
12/3/2022 - 20:00:00
Desguinlei 25 - 2018 Antwerp
Ann Eysermans
kunstencentrum nona
16/3/2022 - 20:30:00
Begijnenstraat 27 - 2800 Mechelen
Ann Eysermans
Mechelen Central workshop
19/3/2022 - 20:00:00
Entrance Mechelen Station
Ann Eysermans
les ateliers claus
30/3/2022 - 20:00:00
Rue Crickx 15, 1060 Brussels
Ann Eysermans
31/3/2022 - 20:00:00
Bij Sint-Jacobs - 9000 Ghent