Noordwijk, Gaucheret, Vooruitgangstr and P.Thomaslaan, Trein (1950)

In its tours, the city guiding organisation Brukselbinnenstebuiten pays a lot of attention to mobility, public transport, and the layout of Brussels. And thus, also on the role of the train in the capital, past and present. The railway network is much more than an ecological, but underused, alternative to the car.  The train has radically changed the city. Think of the ‘infamous’ North-South connection or the abandoned railway site Tour & Taxis, which has now become a whole new city district, or the transformation of the neighbourhood around the South Station after the arrival of the HST. Areas around stations function as ‘arrival districts’ for newcomers. During EUROPALIA TRAINS & TRACKS, Brukselbinnenstebuiten presents five city tours and a lecture about the presence of the train in the city. These will take place on specific dates for individual subscribers. But groups can also book tours on a date to be agreed in combination with a visit to a EUROPALIA exhibition. Children can immerse themselves in railway history with a tailor-made tour of the Tour & Taxis site.

Practical information
Walk: De vier Zuidstations
Starting point: Place Rouppe
19 02 2022 - 13:30
Register here.

05 03 2022 - 13:30-17:00
Register here.

Talk: De trein in Brussel
Old train station of Laeken
24 02 2022 - 19:00-21:30
Register here.

Walk: De trein maakt plaats
Starting point: Tour & Taxis
13 03 2022 - 14:00-18:00
Register here.

Cycling tour: Dromen op het spoor
Starting point: Old train station of Laeken
26 03 2022 - 14:00-17:30
Register here.

21/11/2021 - 26/3/2022