European Train Residency
— Aïko Solovkine and Ellis Meeusen
© Passa Porta

EUROPALIA TRAINS & TRACKS and International House of Literature Passa Porta are joining forces to offer two Belgian authors—one Dutch-speaking and one French-speaking—a writing residency aboard a train travelling across Europe.

Trains and travel have always played a central role in literature, a connection this project aims to explore further. Drawing from their own experiences, what do writers have to say about traveling through Europe today? What do high-speed or local trains bring? What do first and second class tell us about travelling and trains? What stories do sleeper trains carry with them? And in a (post-)COVID era, what about encounters aboard trains or in train stations?

The two authors in residence will depart from Brussels and while travelling two different routes with stops in four European cities, they will meet local writers. After their return, they will participate in a literary evening in Brussels.

Read the work of Ellis Meeusen

Read the work of Aiko Solovkine


Partners in Europe 

Escuela de Escritores (Spain), Scuola Holden (Italy), České literární centrum/Czech literary center (Czech Republic), GOGA (Slovenia)

European Train Residency
Passa Porta
12/3/2022 - 20:00:00
Rue Antoine Dansaert 46 - 1000 Brussels
Event on train