Gaëtan Rusquet and Damien Petitot
— In-depth
© Miles Fischler

Following the performance The eYe in the light in the eYe, Gaëtan Rusquet continues his research on the body-image relationship, this time in co-creation with Damien Petitot in the context of the exhibition Rinus Van de Velde: Inner Travels.

In-depth is a performative installation activated by two performers, putting into play the relationship between the body, the screen and their multiple presences. The performance asks the question of what remains of us physically when we present ourselves through communication networks, data flows and technological tools, in a desire to reach out, touch or be touched by others. The space in which the performance takes place is created by Stefan Kartchev and the sound design by Yann Leguay.

Performances take place at the Bertouille rotunda of Bozar between 14:00 and 17:00 and are accessible with a ticket to the exhibition Rinus Van de Velde: Inner Travels.


Concept: Gaëtan Rusquet & Damien Petitot

Performance: Bryan Campbell & Gaëtan Rusquet

Set design: Stefan Kartchev, in collaboration with Gaëtan Rusquet

Video device & performance: Damien Petitot

Sound device & performance: Yann Leguay

Coding: Matthieu Levet

Production: Hiros

Co-production: EUROPALIA, iMAL, C-TAKT

In collaboration with: Kunstenwerkplaats

Thanks to: Rasa Alksnyte, Nestor Georget, Keren Kraizer, Benjamin Muzart, Théâtre la Balsamine and its team

This project received design and production support from the Digital Arts Commission of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation.

Gaëtan Rusquet
29/4/2022 - 14:00:00 - 17:00:00
30/4/2022 - 14:00:00 - 17:00:00
7/5/2022 - 14:00:00 - 17:00:00
8/5/2022 - 14:00:00 - 17:00:00
Rue Ravenstein 23 - 1000 Brussels
New creation