Sophie Whettnall
— Recording the Light
© Sophie Whettnall

With her piece Recording the Light, Sophie Whettnall follows the shadows of a particular architectural structure. Her main material is light and its effects, which are as elusive as they are enticing. The piece will take place on the Esplanade of the Guillemins train station, where the famous peak will be redesigned by a dozen street dancers from Liège. On a sunny day, they will follow and mark the shadows cast by the sun with adhesive tape, as well as its reflections on the metallic structure of the train station. This will reveal a precise pattern that corresponds to the movement of shadows during the day. This poetic approach to architecture and the passing of time seeks what is elusive and makes the invisible visible!

Sophie Whettnall (°1973, Brussels) is a multidisciplinary artist whose work is greatly influenced by painting—landscape in particular—and its durational sensorial experience. Through performance, installation and film, she explores the relationship of the body to its surroundings. Whettnall‘s works are silent exercises in contemplation, yet they are also often performative in their activation of the beholder. Her main material is light and it’s elusive, disorienting and seductive effects. With it she teases our most important sense, sight, and questions the idea that seeing equals understanding.

Recording the Light
Liège-Guillemins station
26/3/2022 - 08:00:00 - 14:00:00
2 Place des Guillemins - 4000 Liège