Rita Hoofwijk
— Travelogue: CHAR M.K
Jean Tinguely, 'CHAR M.K.', 1967, Iron, wood, motor, 120.5 × 208.5 × 77 cm, Collection Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven © SABAM Belgium 2022

On 19 October 2016, Rita Hoofwijk encounters a manifesto by kinetic artist Jean Tinguely at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam. The words are hard to read on the yellowed paper, but they mark the beginning of a series of works on movement, transformation and constant change. For EUROPALIA, she once again connects with Tinguely's work, this time by taking care of one of his moving machines. She visits CHAR M.K in the depot outside the museum and travels to Bozar with the work. Travelogue: CHAR M.K tells us something about the movements of the artwork before it became part of Rinus Van de Velde: Inner Travels. How does the work stand the test of time? The artist, Tinguely, has since passed away, but CHAR M.K lives on — in perpetual change.

Travelogue: CHAR M.K can be heard close to the artwork at Bozar, inside the exhibition Rinus Van de Velde: Inner Travels, via your own smartphone.

Commission et co-production : EUROPALIA TRAINS & TRACKS
Executive producer: SoAP Maastricht
By: Rita Hoofwijk
In collaboration with: Ehud Neuhaus, Yvonne van Versendaal

Spoken Dutch: Rita Hoofwijk
Spoken French: Marie-Ève Tesch
Spoken English: Charlie Cattrall
English translation: Liz Morrison
French translation: Marie-Ève Tesch

With the support of: Toos Nijssen, Van Abbemuseum

Rita Hoofwijk — Travelogue: CHAR M.K
18/2/2022 - 15/5/2022
Rue Ravenstein 23 - 1000 Brussels
New creation